• Self Care

    Contrast Baths

    I learned this ‘trick’ way back during massage school, in Hydrotherapy class. It has stood the test of time in effectiveness to remain one of my top favorite self care, at-home treatments! Contrast Baths! It works like this… Fill one kitchen sink with Ice Water, the other with comfortably Hot Water. Dunk your hands/forearms/elbows into the Ice Water as deeply as you can for as long as you can, up to 2 Minutes (this one’s intense, remember to breathe!). Then, switch to the Hot Water, dunking hands/forearms/elbows as deeply as you can and enjoy for at least 1 Minute, but no longer than 2 Minutes (even though it’s tempting sometimes).…

  • Services

    Rice Experiment Conclusion – Love Makes The Difference!

    Before this experiment began, I anticipated that the Love Rice would stay white and fluffy while the Hate and Indifference Rices both turned their own versions of dark colors and rotted away, all unsightly like. That’s clearly not what happened, though… Here, at the end of Week 9, I’m deciding to officially ‘call it’ on the experiment and note my conclusions at this point… I’m surprised at how little rot there was in any of the jars. Hate Rice and Indifference Rice stayed very similar to each other – white and fluffy; Indifference Rice being the only one of the three to rot slightly by developing mold on the bottom.…