First Official Art Showing
Thank you to Quiet Oaks Hospice House for inviting me to be on their ‘Featured Local Artist’ wall for the month of December. What an honor. 💝

This morning my hubby and I put up the “Flow of Life” art showcase pieces along their 21’ wall. It’s made up of some original paintings on canvas and others that are prints of photos of my originals artworks. During the month of December, residents and their loved ones can view the pieces and escape momentarily into the various scenes of Minnesota nature, hopefully adding an extra sense of peace to their day.

Anticipating putting together this exhibition for Quiet Oaks inspired me to set up a gallery space of my own at my Art of Healing Family Massage/Art Alive office. It was completed and ready for art curations just in the past month. What a joyful journey of creativity this all is so far!

Now that “Flow of Life” art showcase has been transferred over to Quiet Oaks, I’m working on a new showcase at my office gallery. Not sure what it’ll be called yet, but there’s definitely a tree theme happening. 🙂 Please enjoy looking around at your next visit.
I can’t wait to see it in a new setting! It’ll be appreciated and calming.
Thanks Diana 🙏🏻 I’ll be happy to hear your impressions. 💗
Jody Hilgert
Congratulations on your showing! It’s been so much fun watching you get to this point my friend! You are so very talented, and I’m so proud of you 😘
Thank you, my dear friend. 💗🙏🏻 you leaning in and taking joy in the journey with me means the world to me. ✨
Kathy Koltes
Nice pictures. You and Marty were busy. Love your art.
Thanks Mom 💝 It was a pretty great weekend. 😉