Rice Experiment Conclusion – Love Makes The Difference!

Before this experiment began, I anticipated that the Love Rice would stay white and fluffy while the Hate and Indifference Rices both turned their own versions of dark colors and rotted away, all unsightly like. That’s clearly not what happened, though…
Here, at the end of Week 9, I’m deciding to officially ‘call it’ on the experiment and note my conclusions at this point…
I’m surprised at how little rot there was in any of the jars. Hate Rice and Indifference Rice stayed very similar to each other – white and fluffy; Indifference Rice being the only one of the three to rot slightly by developing mold on the bottom. The mold appeared at Week 3, increased in volume and darkened in color during Weeks 4 & 5, but then showed no more signs of growth through now. Meanwhile, Love Rice was the only one to change colors. It didn’t show any signs of mold or obvious rot, but undeniably turned a shade of pinkish-brown and got sticky.
Gladly, Indifference Rice acted as a constant to measure against in this experiment. It seems that while feeding hate and negative energies to the Hate Rice kept it from getting moldy (unlike the Indifference Rice that received no attention), it didn’t change much beyond that. Versus feeding love and positive energies to the Love Rice kept it not only from getting moldy, but also enabled it to change the most visibly, into a different color. Love, it seems, made the difference. 🙂
Thank you for following along with this experiment. It’s been a joy hearing others’ reactions to it and having thought provoking conversations along the way. 🙂
I hope it’s inspired you to take notice of how Love (vs Hate vs Indifference) feeds and effects the different aspects of your life. Certainly, if these different intentions can effect something so benign as cooked rice, it has effects on much more important things in our lives, like our spouses, our children, our family, friends and foes, ourselves, our animals; plants, the foods we eat, the water we drink… No doubt our thoughts and inner self-talk effect our own essence, our ‘vibe’ that we emit and inevitably share with the environment around us. So, I hope this inspires you to choose positive thoughts. I hope it inspires you to choose positive feelings for yourself as well as to be able to share with others. Even though we will still be faced with life stresses and challenging days that can leave us feeling icky and negative, I do hope the ick is short-lived because of the conscious choice to return back to Love & Gratitude in all aspects of our lives. I know it’s inspired me in this way, for sure…
What will I do with the rice now? I’m considering looking at them under a microscope… perhaps outside, on a nice day, in the fresh air. 😉 If I see (or smell) anything super interesting, I’ll be sure to share in a future post.
Take care and much Love & Gratitude to you all.
One Comment
Thanks for the update and conclusion. We’ll talk more about it next week.