Rice Experiment Week 3
Not gonna lie, this bipolar swing between intensional love & gratitude, then hate & depression twice-a-day, everyday is a little wearing…
When I’m focusing my intentions of Love & Gratitude on the designated rice, I notice a tingling, expansion-like feeling that starts in the center of my chest and opens up into my throat, mouth, even my lips, nose and definitely my eyes. It’s warm and pleasant. Makes me feel good and whole. Most of the time leaves me feeling happy, with a smile and the temptation to just stay in it a bit longer if I didn’t have a schedule to keep. This has become quite a familiar and defined, ‘signature feeling’ of Love and Gratitude for me. If I sit in it long enough, the feeling will spread throughout my whole torso, down my spine and eventually throughout my whole system. (I notice it’s very reminiscent of how I feel when my grandson is napping in my arms. 💗)
When I’m focusing Hate & Depression, I feel an unpleasant contraction deep around my heart and esophagus that travels up my throat, neck,to my mouth, nose, eyes and creates more of a pinched/scowl feeling in my face.
I imagine the sensations of both love and hate travel this path upward to my face and eyes because I’m usually looking at the rice and using my eyes and face to direct the energy toward it during these exercises. Perhaps if I just shine my intentions out from my chest like a care bear ;), they wouldn’t travel up to my face or if I used my feet directionally to aim my intentions, it would travel downward through my system.. just a thought….
If I sit in the feelings of Hate & Depression long enough, I tend to get nauseous and/or feel the need to cough like something is stuck in my throat. Talk about physical reactions to emotions! It’s not a pleasant time and I often shake the sensations off (literally) when I’m done. I’m sometimes tempted to skip the Hate rice and just love on the Love rice. But for the sake of science, I’ll persevere, and stick to the plan. ;). Sure would be nice if we could all just hang out in Love & Gratitude 24/7 though.
Updated pictures of the Rice for starting our Week 3…. Some of the first signs of change are visible this week. The Indifference rice that’s been ignored this whole time is developing mold on the bottom.
One Comment
Cathy Sindelir
Good reading. Thanks for sharing