• Art

    Lemonade Art Fair June 27th, 2024

    I am very happy to announce 📣 Art Alive, LLC will have its very first booth at the Lemonade Art Fair this year!! 🎉 I hope you’ll come find me, say hello and enjoy some art! 🤩💝 Lemonade Art Fair is on June 27th, 2024 on the St. Cloud State University campus grounds from 11AM – 7 PM. More info in the link below. https://www.stcloudstate.edu/campusinvolvement/annual-events/lemonade.aspx Btw, 20% of proceeds from sales at my booth will become donations to local families in need. 💝

  • Art

    First Official Art Showing

    Thank you to Quiet Oaks Hospice House for inviting me to be on their ‘Featured Local Artist’ wall for the month of December. What an honor. 💝 This morning my hubby and I put up the “Flow of Life” art showcase pieces along their 21’ wall. It’s made up of some original paintings on canvas and others that are prints of photos of my originals artworks. During the month of December, residents and their loved ones can view the pieces and escape momentarily into the various scenes of Minnesota nature, hopefully adding an extra sense of peace to their day. Anticipating putting together this exhibition for Quiet Oaks inspired me…

  • Self Care

    Contrast Baths

    I learned this ‘trick’ way back during massage school, in Hydrotherapy class. It has stood the test of time in effectiveness to remain one of my top favorite self care, at-home treatments! Contrast Baths! It works like this… Fill one kitchen sink with Ice Water, the other with comfortably Hot Water. Dunk your hands/forearms/elbows into the Ice Water as deeply as you can for as long as you can, up to 2 Minutes (this one’s intense, remember to breathe!). Then, switch to the Hot Water, dunking hands/forearms/elbows as deeply as you can and enjoy for at least 1 Minute, but no longer than 2 Minutes (even though it’s tempting sometimes).…

  • Services

    Rice Experiment Conclusion – Love Makes The Difference!

    Before this experiment began, I anticipated that the Love Rice would stay white and fluffy while the Hate and Indifference Rices both turned their own versions of dark colors and rotted away, all unsightly like. That’s clearly not what happened, though… Here, at the end of Week 9, I’m deciding to officially ‘call it’ on the experiment and note my conclusions at this point… I’m surprised at how little rot there was in any of the jars. Hate Rice and Indifference Rice stayed very similar to each other – white and fluffy; Indifference Rice being the only one of the three to rot slightly by developing mold on the bottom.…

  • Services

    Rice Experiment Week 8

    Just a short update this week… Holding Steady! Onto week 8 with Hate Rice remarkably still white and fluffy. Indifference Rice more compressed, sticky and with mold on the bottom. Love Rice is a shade darker in its pinkish-orange color. No mold on either Hate or Love rices visible. Experiment will continue for another 5 weeks yet! For back-story information, see Rice Experiment Week 2 and Rice experiment Week 1. Plus, here are a couple of fun finds to help you energize your water… Crystal-infused Gem Water bottle, Gem Water guide book and “Love Thyself: The Message from Water III” by Masaru Emoto that speaks of the power of prayer’s…

  • Rice Experiment

    Rice Experiment (and side-experiment) Week 7

    Holding Steady! Love Rice is still very sticky, with a pinkish color; perhaps slightly deeper pink this week than last. Hate Rice continues to be fluffy and white, showing some signs of stickiness. The mold on the bottom of Indifference Rice seems to be very slow-growing, not much difference noticeable there this week. The following stream-of-thought follows the basis of the Rice Experiment, aka, that the cooked rice is reflecting what the vibration of the water it is steeping in is doing to it… It is said (by Dr. Masaru Emoto) that “water speaks to what is in the mind”. A reflection of our thoughts. We as humans are made…

  • Rice Experiment

    Rice Experiment Week 6

    Rice Experiment continues. As you can see from the pictures, the differences are becoming more obvious! Love Rice continues to be sticky and becoming more golden-yellow in color as the days go on. Hate Rice continues to be white and fluffy like it was when we started. Indifferent Rice is still white and fluffy on top, moldy on the bottom. I can’t really claim to know what that all means exactly, but it is interesting to note how they are each responding differently to their individual stimulus. (Energy makes a difference.) They each started out the same… The same batch of cooked rice was equally divided into 3 sterilized jars,…