
Maple Syrup flavored Christmas Spirit

I was blessed this holiday season to witness pure Christmas Spirit flowing from a client’s heart space during their massage session. 💗This client and their spouse had recently purchased and gifted items of a list of basic needs to a local family in dire need. The joy and love that this act stirred within my client was palpable. As this beautiful client told me their story and shined with the kind of joy that only comes from a truly altruistic act of kindness, I felt my own heart resonate and swell with vicarious joy! Wow, that’s powerful! After they told their story, we began their massage. Right away, I was drawn to this client’s chest. I could feel their joy somewhat encapsulated in a ball of tension, like a habitual feeling habit of tension perhaps. I felt the joy underneath wanting to come out! I rested my hand on their sternum and mentioned how I could feel the joy under the tension and how maybe if they could just let go of the tension, the joy could flow. This client happens to be a 20+ year client of mine and well versed in tuning into their body/energy and relaxing intentionally whenever they tune into specific areas/sensations. So, within just a few seconds, I felt the tension under my hand in their chest soften and energy start moving. With how they had been so overflowing with joy pre-massage during the telling of their Christmas-giving story, I half expected beams of light to shine out of their body! But what happened was truly a surprise and amazing. …A totally different experience from the usual ‘decompression’ or mode of release/destressing that I’m used to witnessing in massage sessions. I usually notice the tension wanting to find release, but not an underlying bulge of joy or happy waiting to be unleashed… Instead of beams of light ( 😉 ), as their tension melted away, a slow, thick, warm, sweet energy just started flowing from their heart area – like maple syrup over pancakes. It was like a warm sweet glow that stayed close to their body and filled every cell and then gently glowed, having this gentle effect that filled the whole room. As in every massage session, the energy of the client and the energy of the therapist intermingle. The more grounded and diffuse the therapist is with their own energy, the more space there is for the client to process and work their own energy, what ever they happen to need to process at the time. In most instances, the stresses of current times and often, old stress experiences are what are released in a session. Once released, I often try to encourage my client to let in something positive, healthy and healing to fill the open space where the tension was. Basically creating a new feeling habit. With this particular client’s session, there was no need for that. Once they gave themself permission to let go of the tension that was holding the joy back, the filling automatically began and the whole session was like one long filling-with-goodness session! Filling and emanating into the room the overflow of the flowing goodness. It helped me tap into my own heart’s desires and inspiration for flowing goodness as well. My client’s filling and healing blessed me with my own filling and healing! Their session of getting passed the ‘work’ of letting go so easily from the start and then allowing the ‘letting flow’ for the majority of the session time felt kind of revolutionary! No doubt this will be a healthy influence on future sessions, not only with this particular client, but hopefully with others as well…

My Christmas wish for all my wonderful clients, family and friends is that you may be able to tap into your own joy, happiness and love and just let it flow through every cell like maple syrup, for you and everyone around to enjoy. 💗 Merry Christmas.

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