Rice Experiment
Is it just me, or does something feel different about 2023? Almost like it’s wide open with possibilities. If life is what we make of it, and if our intentions motivate our actions, and our actions create our reality… then I want to fill 2023 with intentions and actions of LOVE and positivity.
As a playful and visual example of the power of intension, I’m starting 2023 off with a 3-month Rice Experiment.
The set up is 3 jars of cooked rice (which I cooked up yesterday, Dec 31st), each jar labeled with words…
Jar 1: LOVE & Gratitude.
Jar 2: HATE & Depression.
Jar 3: (nothing).
Twice each day, I’ll spend at least 30 seconds ‘feeding’ my intentions to each jar as labeled. I’ll do so by speaking the labeled words to each jar as labeled, as well as by feeling the emotions of the words and aiming those feelings at the rice in each jar – as labeled.
Over the course of the next 3 months, I’ll share what occurs. Maybe the experiment will fall flat with no results. Maybe something incredible and mind boggling will happen. I hope you’ll check back in from time to time to see what happens and share this journey with me.