Rice Experiment Week 6

Rice Experiment continues. As you can see from the pictures, the differences are becoming more obvious!
Love Rice continues to be sticky and becoming more golden-yellow in color as the days go on. Hate Rice continues to be white and fluffy like it was when we started. Indifferent Rice is still white and fluffy on top, moldy on the bottom.
I can’t really claim to know what that all means exactly, but it is interesting to note how they are each responding differently to their individual stimulus. (Energy makes a difference.)
They each started out the same… The same batch of cooked rice was equally divided into 3 sterilized jars, with paper taped onto each. The only true differences are the words printed on each piece of paper, the intensional quality of energy radiated onto each, everyday and the fact that the Love and Hate rice jars are exposed occasionally to sunlight as they travel home with me for my days off. (Indifference Rice just stays at my office.) Even with the Love and Hate rices being occasional exposed to sunlight equally (since they are always together), the differences between them are the most drastic so far. The main difference between them being one gets exposed to the vibrations of Love and Gratitude while the other gets the vibrations of Hate and Depression. All I can really say so far, based on this experiment, is that the attention we shine onto (in this case) rice, makes a difference!
Incase you need more of a backstory of what’s going on here, check out my post from Week 2. (https://ahfmmassage.com/rice-experiment-week-2-why-cooked-rice/)
Also, last week’s post didn’t get out through email to my subscribers, my apologies. Here’s the link to that one if you’re interested… https://ahfmmassage.com/rice-experiment-week-5-vicarious-stress/
FYI..I did receive week 4 email
Ok, thanks for the feedback! Must’ve been hit or miss last week. Glad you received it. đŸ™‚